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Compagnie Junior Ballet Montréal

C'est une expérience unique et artistique qui met en contact les jeunes danseurs avec le processus créatif et tous les aspects, humains et techniques. Participer à la compagnie junior offrira un apprentissage exceptionnel en ballet classique.


La compagnie junior se produit dans différents lieux tout au long de l'année, notamment: la collecte de fonds de la Fondation Starlight pour les enfants malades et le gala de la Fondation canadienne du cancer du sein CIBC.


Les danseurs ont également l'opportunité de travailler avec de nombreux chorégraphes invités.


Les candidats doivent demander une audition pour rejoindre la compagnie ou être invités par la directrice artistique.

Membres de la compagnie junior pour la saison 19/20:​

Fay Bertrand

I am a dancer.

I don’t dance because I want to. I dance because I need to.

I tell a story by the movements of my body.

I dance because I get this amazing rhythm of the music.

I dance because it makes me happy.

I am artist and athlete and a dreamer.

I am a dancer.

Juliette Bienvenu

Juliette Bienvenu.jpeg

Dance is a poem where each word is a movement.

Angela Borsellino

Dance is the art of losing yourself but knowing exactly who you are at the same time.

Stephanie Boyle

Stephanie Boyle.jpeg

“The dance is over, the applause subsided, but the joy and feeling will stay with you forever.” W.M. Tory

Deanna Fiorini

Deanna Florini.jpeg

Without labor nothing prospers - Sophocles

Divya Kakkar

Divya Kakkar.jpeg

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way - Wayne Dyer

Laurence Potvin

Laurence Potvin.jpg

"Where there is no heart, there is no art" -Anna Pavlova

Erin Sinclair


​ "I don't just dance. I perform. I breathe. I watch the world disappear. I release my feelings. I lead with my heart. I tear down my walls. I stop feeling sad. I lose the pain. I let go. I smile. No, I don't just dance. I do so much more." - Anonymous

Anastasia Sushko


Dance for yourself. If someone understands - well, if not - it does not matter, keep doing what you love. -Luis Horst

Jacqueline Van Aelst


Talent and effort are nothing without focus and determination.

Lauren Alleyne (Apprentice)

Lauren Alleyne .jpeg

My love for dance stems from believing that you should “dance to express, not to impress.” for yourself. 

Alexandra Guerra (Apprentice)

Alexandra Guerra.jpg

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful...Great dancers are great because of their passion.

Jaya Kakkar (Apprentice)

Jaya Kakkar (Apprentice).jpeg

Passion, expression, freedom, joy, beauty, and love - these are the reasons that I dance.

Maya Rollansky


Dance enables you to find yourself and lose yourself at the same time.

Marina Smirnov


When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.


2985 Sunnybrooke Boulevard, Dorval, Québec H9P 2Z5 | (514) 797-2788

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